For many of our customers, the reliability and outstanding quality of our translation services, produced by our translators, are among the most important reasons for choosing YABYLON. But what else do they value about our company? We’ll let them tell you themselves.
YABYLON is a reliable partner that can convert all our translation needs (website texts, legal texts, operating instructions and safety data sheets) into more than ten languages. Technical and linguistic quality were of great importance to us when choosing our translation provider, and YABYLON has met all our expectations in these areas to our complete satisfaction. As a bonus, YABYLON also provides us with first-class advice on all topics relating to project management, especially in terms of how we can save costs during the translation process.
Qingyu Xu, Management Assistant, Drei Bond GmbHYABYLON is Matrix Communications AG’s main partner for the translation of all kinds of texts into Asian languages. The company’s partnership with YABYLON GmbH is an important pillar of our partnership with our customers. In addition to the technical and linguistic quality evident in all the translations we receive from YABYLON, the advice and support they offer gives our customers at Matrix real added value, making them much more than just a translation agency.
Heide Moeller, Quality Officer, Matrix Communications AGYABYLON translates websites, manuals, brochures, flyers and press texts into nine different languages for us. The company’s consistently excellent translations of technically and linguistically complex texts, coupled with its fast, reliable project lead times, have made YABYLON GmbH our translation agency of choice.
Dr. Ruth Ronge, Production + Proofreading, Schwenkert, Kastenhuber und Partner GmbHYABYLON has been our language service provider for translations into English and the Asian languages for several years now. YABYLON also provides us with speakers for our video productions, and interpreters for communications with our Chinese partners and guests at our “Style Nites” and other events. In addition to expertise, reliability and the ability to honour deadlines, we were looking for a translation provider who could translate our product and promotion texts in the right way for our target market. This was very important to us, and Yabylon proved more than capable of meeting our requirements. What’s more, the wide range of services YABYLON offers, including translation, interpreting and voice recordings – not to mention the expert advice on all linguistic and intercultural issues – makes them the ideal partner for our needs.
Volker Tietgens, CEO, Michalsky Holding GmbHIn YABYLON, we have found a reliable partner with a high level of expertise who can produce translations for a wide variety of subject areas and languages, with impeccable promptness and cultural awareness. We are very satisfied with the quality of the work and the way the entire project is handled. For those of us who work in the international sphere and come into contact with cultural regions such as East Asia and the Arabic-speaking countries, it is especially important to find a good, reliable translation agency with an intimate understanding of both the relevant specialist terminology and the cultural (and linguistic) factors involved in such business.
Gülsen Akgül, International Marketing, Innovatives Niedersachsen GmbHGerresheimer AG employs more than 11,000 staff at 47 sites all around the world. As such, our customers and employees speak a multitude of different languages between them. YABYLON is a reliable partner that delivers translations into a variety of languages – particularly Asian ones – for different media, month after month. Our work together is always flexible, individual and personal. Thank you, YABYLON!
Katrin Sander, Corporate Communication & Marketing, Gerresheimer AG
Obentrautstrasse 35
10963 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 208 98 59 00